I want those abs!!

An awesome closing ceremony on Sunday night capped off a fantastically executed Olympic games in London. I’m sure we all cringed thinking that something was bound to go wrong, but it’s safe to say, it simply didn’t! (We will forget the wrong Korean flag, it was before the opening ceremony so it doesn’t count right?!) With many of our athletes out performing themselves it is a games that will go down in British history. However despite all the glory, the boasting on the medal table (especially over the Aussie’s!) and the huge celebration of British culture, there was just one bug bear that I had about the games, and that is….. I want Jessica Ennis’ abs! In fact I would love to have her whole physique! I am sure both women AND men watched Jessica Ennis in awe as she showcased her amazing body, all wondering just how we can achieve that for ourselves?

Jealous much?  😉

Well before you don your gym clothes and hit the treadmill and weights, there are far more superior barriers to overcome to get the body of your dreams. I bet you think it is a complicated process but it is not…. the answer is a simple 9 letter word that most people forget about…. NUTRITION (that is 9 letters right?) 😉 After all I am sure many of you have continuously hit the gym before without achieving the results you really dreamed of.

As my good friend and creator of the Urban Vitality Co John Limpus always says.. You cannot out train a bad diet. You can turn the speed up on your treadmill, lift more weight or increase your reps all you want, but unless you address the issue of your nutrition you will never get what you truly desire. Think of it like this….. Imagine Jess Ennis permanently wore a winter jacket. With that extra layer of padding you will no longer see those amazing muscles. Yes, she will still have the abs, the shoulders and bum we all desire, but it won’t be on show for all to see. Even if she trains more to make the muscles bigger, with that jacket on she will only look slightly bulkier, not trim or defined.

Jess in her ‘jacket’

Now imagine your body fat as that winter jacket. Your body fat is like wearing a winter jacket all the time and with exercise you may take the padding down slightly, but without  addressing the issue of nutrition in your workout plan you will always be wearing that ‘extra padding’. Only firm nutrition will finally banish away the unwanted body fat to reveal your glorious toned muscles.

So remember, sort your meal planner out before your workout planner for those uber super results.

Thanks for reading and feel free to leave me any comments 🙂


7 responses to “I want those abs!!

  1. Hi Suzie! Founds your words encouraging, but like alot of people I just don’t know where to start! Between working, going to the gym and cooking for a family, how do I improve my nutrition without completely eating and buying different food than what I cook for my family?

    • Hey Carmen! Thanks for checking the blog out! The best advice i can give is ensure that you always buy and cook fresh food, avoid the processed food completely. Make sure you cut out any sweet processed snacks, and don’t finish off the girls dinner plates! (i remember you telling me that once so don’t deny it! we have all done it too! 🙂 ) The other big difference you can make is to cut out wheat and gluten, or just eat as little as possible (bread, pasta etc). To cut a long story short, we weren’t designed to eat grains, and these are the main attributor to body fat around the middle! Look up Paleo or Primal recipies, these are tasty and super healthy! You can follow my blog to recieve updates on new articles like this. Hope that helps! I still miss our sessions, you used to make me laugh way too much! Suzie x p.s. i still cant count 😉

  2. Fantastic first blog Suzie and very well written! Made me laugh but also had a lot of good information! Jessica Enis abs here I come…lol!! Laura Xx

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